vr 18 okt
|Den Haag
Grief Support Circle - monthly event
Grief is a part of life, we all experience it at some point but sometimes we get stuck in the emotion. Join us for an open discussion about our relationship with grief, how it impacts our life and simply be among people experiencing similar circumstances.
Tijd en locatie
18 okt 2024, 19:00 – 20:30
Den Haag, Badhuisstraat 224, 2584 HN Den Haag, Netherlands
Over het evenement
After the success of our Embracing Mortality event in July, we recognised that there is a need for people to have a space to freely discuss their experiences with grief. The evening will be facilitated Liza Berenfeld, a Death Doula and will also be joined by an occasional therapist from the health centre to offer support as needed.Â
Please note, this is not meant to replace personal therapy, it is a place for people within the community to gather, share and perhaps learn from each other.
About the evening:
We all love someone or something, which means we will be losing or have already gone through the loss. Loss can be gradual and expected, or sudden and shocking. There is always a before and after the loss. Loss of any kind invites us to go deep into the garden of our soul and to meet the grief. The outer worl…
Grief Circle
This ticket includes entrance to the monthly Grief Circle and a non-alcoholic beverage such as coffee, tea or water.
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