do 31 okt
|Den Haag
Meditation in Motion
Meditation is a jump beyond life. It is not getting out of life. It is getting to the very center of Life - Osho Join us for a series of six sessions designed to guide you through a dynamic and collective exploration of diverse meditation techniques.
Tijd en locatie
31 okt 2024, 19:00 – 20:30
Den Haag, Badhuisstraat 224, 2584 HN Den Haag, Netherlands
Over het evenement
Who Is This For?
This series is open to anyone curious about deepening their self-awareness, exploring new ways of being, and seeking a deeper connection with their emotions and sense of aliveness. No prior meditation experience is required—just a willingness to be curious, explore, play, and grow.
What to Expect
A safe, respectful, and confidential environment
Practices involving body movement, silence, voice work, music, dance, and sharing
An opportunity to express yourself with whatever arises in the moment